Sunday, September 4, 2011

Pre-Roma Post #2: Preparations

So it is now Saturday, September 3rd, 2011. Eight more days until my flight from DC goes to Rome. Some people are pretty much starting to freak out, wondering if they have everything for Rome and if this or that is enough or do they really need this and yada yada yada. But I'm not freaking out. Nope, not I.

I've travelled quite a bit and if it's one thing I've learned it's you don't need most of the things you have. You don't need all of those clothes, you don't need the extra bags, you don't need the extra shampoos and conditioners and whatnot. You just don't need it. And when I say don't need it, I mean don't need to bring it. Any normal stuff like clothes and care products you can find where ever you go. Foreign people need those things too, believe it or not.

The only things that are necessary to bring are your passport, your papers, your debit card, a second ID, and the fee money that we're supposed to pay unless you'd like to be deported. That's it. Nothing else. Real simple.

My advice for when you're packing this go around is this:
In addition to your essentials (that is, the things I listed and also any absolutely necessary things like meds and deo for this trip) is to pack an extra pair of clothes in your carry on. If your checked luggage gets lost or sent to the wrong place, it sucks. Terribly. But it sucks less if you have fresh clothes (and yes, that includes undies) that are actually yours with you. It'll seem a hassle at first as it takes up space but hey, better safe than sorry. Plus, your underwear is always more comfortable than anyone else's.

Other than that my only other advice is don't forget your camera and trace paper, and actually write down your family and friends' names, numbers and addresses in one spot so that you can contact them from anywhere, regardless of where your laptop is. Because sometimes, even bringing your laptop will be a hassle.

Be smart packers guys, see you in eight (now seven as it's passed midnight) days.


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